Types of Papeercorns
July 12, 2019
fudge by chef
October 5, 2019

super seeds


Seeds are a powerhouse of many essential nutrients and they have hundreds of health benefits.

Certain seeds play a vital and excellent role in keeping our body healthy and free from various diseases & deficiencies.

Seeds are considered as super foods. Which carry anti-aging properties as they are rich in antioxidants & own anti-inflammatory properties.

There are multiple seeds available now in the market. E.g. flax seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, etc.

Use of these seeds either in their original form or in form of powder is a matter of choice and it depends upon the selection of the recipe.



Seeds Uses Nutrition and benefits
Flax seeds


(per 1 tablespoon)


Proteins:1.3 gm

Carbs:2 gm

Fiber:1.9 gm

Total fat:3 gm

Saturated fat:0.3 gm



>smoothies & shakes

>roti, breads & parathas

>muffins & cookies



>Packed with vitamin B1, omega 3 fatty acids

>rich source of zinc, magnesium and copper.

>2 tablespoon of these seeds carry 6 gms of fibers and 4 gms of protein.

>Rich source of dietary fibers


Sunflower seeds

(per 1 tablespoon)


Proteins:2 gm

Carbs:1 gm

Fiber:1 gm

Total fat:4 gm

Saturated fat:4 gm







>roti, breads & breads


>high in vitamin E

>high in antioxidants

>beneficial for cardiac health

>high in fibers

>help in management of diabetes and heart diseases

>prevents cancer

>maintain the health of skin

Chia seeds

(per one tablespoon)


Proteins:2 gm

Carbs:5.1 gm

Fiber:4.1 gm

Total fat:3.7 gm

Saturated fats:0.4 gm



>smoothies & shakes



>detox water

>rich source of protein

>high in iron and folate

>rich in antioxidants

>rich in calcium, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids, soluble fibers.

>keeps the heart healthy

>best for weight loss

>improves the good cholesterol( HDL- higher density lipoproteins)

Pumpkin seeds

(per one tablespoon)


Protein:3 gm

Carbs:2 gm

Fiber:0.6 gm

Total fat:5 gm

Saturated fats:0.1 gm



>roti & paratha




>high in vitamin E

>rich source of zinc, manganese, phosphorus, and omega 3 fatty acids.

>lowers the risk of cancer

>good for the health of skin and eye



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